Jan 13, 2010

What other people predict for 2010

Disclaimer: I'm still playing with my dictation software. If you see any odd words, that's the reason.

By now, most people have reflected on learning in 2009, and made some predictions for learning in 2010. Some brave people even compared their own predictions which the reality of 2009. in this article, I'm going over some quotes that I found about what people think 2010 will bring in learning land.

Bersin: Josh Bersin released a report in December entitled "corporate learning and talent management predictions for 2010". here are the predictions that strike me:

  • Human resources starts a major transformation from strategic to business driven
  • Leadership development programs focus on first-line management
  • A shift from e-learning to we learning
  • More integration of talent management systems and the acquisition of stand-alone vendors
  • Measurement of human resources and learning alike is a major priority
Inge (Ignatia): I hope Inge is right in expressing that in 2010 learning research will favor pedagogy over technology as the prime focus. Another quotes that strike me: "Learning again for the simple reason that the learning is all around us, and done with every tool we have". Predictions include ubiquitous learing and augmented reality.

Jeanne Meister: she describes corporate learning in 2010 with five words: social, mobile, collaborative, engaging, fun. Was engaging and fun not a promise we made about e-learning a long, long, long time ago? It's probably one of those good intentions you repeat every year, like doing more sports.

Learning Solutions Magazine (Bill Brandon): I think this one nails it: "for most e-learning practitioners, 2010 will be the same as 2009, with no significant changes in practice or tools. However, the need to cut costs will drive constant incremental changes in several areas." Other quotes that strike me:
  • the area where management sees the most opportunity to cut learning costs is design and production.
  • Most notable for tools is the shift of high-cost applications to cloud.(That's a substitution of tools.)
  • subject matter networks as opposed to subject matter experts (via Mark Oehlert)
  • Google wave
  • and then the usual stuff about mobile learning, games and simulations, and augmented reality
Elliott Masie: his predictions include weariness with compliance training, and the search for alternative compliance communication other than making boring e-learning. That is a huge prediction if you know has almost 70% of all e-learning offered is for compliance rather than performance and development purposes. Another prediction is about social networks integrating actionable requests. And then some on video and Skype.

And those are just a few. So what to make of all of that? Where do you put your money?

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