Jun 21, 2010

So learning culture is the biggest driver for impact

Here is a quote from Bersin in one of his latest blogs on talent management:
"The core of this report is one major finding:  among all the HR and training processes we study, the single biggest driver of business impact is the strength of an organization's learning culture." 
And there we have it... learning culture is still the walhalla of corporate development and success. So all we need to do now is figure out how to succesfully shape these cultures, right?
Succesful learning cultures can make (all) the difference in the world, but knowing what constitunes one will not get you one. It is actually pretty safe for companies to share the secrets of their culture as they are not easily copied and remain a unique and strategic important asset to the company. 
The Bersin report lists 6 elements of learning culture:
- building trust
- encouraging reflection 
- demonstrate learning's value 
- enabling knowledge sharing 
- empowering employees 
- formalizing learning as process 
Leadership and management either foster or destroy the ability to learn and the motiviation to learn. Oh, and the outcomes of a learning culture are goodies too: agility, innovation, satisfied customers, ... As I said, corporate walhalla. 
More here in this very intersting article: 

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