Dec 9, 2006

2C Computer infrastructure

2C Computer infrastructure: technology enables all

The second dimension in our model is the computer infrastructure. It is the basic prerequisite which needs to be adequately fulfilled as recurring breakdowns and interruptions will demotivate users. But technology as such is not the sole reason for success. For example, the road (or platform) which is mapped out for the learner in a suitable, technical way is just as important . We here think of the introduction of an LMS, an LCMS, authoring tools, virtual classrooms, chat, wiki, collaboration tools, e-labs, competence management tools and other types of software. Computer infrastructure (open, performant, scalable, secured and integrated) lays the foundation of a strong e-learning house. Also with second generation projects, technology will require more attention than we would like to. Irrespective of its advances, technology needs to remain reliable and solid. Furthermore, it has fulfill the rising demands as to flexibility, speed and integration of data from various sources and for multiple applications. To bridge the digital divide, a cost-controlled technology and infrastructure is a must, not only in the western world but also because developing countries step into the e-learning society immediately in this second generation. Technology triggers off the creativity of the engineer, the designer and the content developer in a motivated learning community... or becomes a distractor or even obstacle if not done properly.
In this second generation, decision making will also pertain to the choice of the learning platform, open standards, (meta)data management, security, capacity planning, user friendliness and a transparency, for all.

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